
Imprint & Data Privacy

Information in accordance with §5 Telemediengesetz (TMG):

Ferdinand Mütsch

Data Privacy

Collected Data

In order to use this service, it is required to sign up and create a virtual user account. No information, except for an anonymized version of their IP address, is stored for people visiting this website without being registered as a user.

For visitors, who have actively registered as a user, the following information is stored:

– A user name, also known as a pseudonym. It can be chosen arbitrarily by the user.
– A password. It can be chosen arbitrarily by the user and is only stored as a cryptographic hash. That is, the actual password is not visible to the operator of this web service.
– A creation date, corresponding to the point in time when the user first signed up.
– Another date, corresponding to the point in time when the user last logged in into his account to use this web service
– An anonymized version of the user's IP address for every interaction between the user and this web service.

Moreover, users have the ability to connect a program – called a "client" – to this web service. It runs locally on the user's computer and regularly sends information about the user's behavior in certain other programs (so called "editors" or "IDEs"). In order to make the client send such data, the user has to actively install it and configure the previously mentioned programs in a way so expose data to the client.

These regularly sent pieces of data are so called "heartbeats". For every "heartbeat", the following person-related data is persisted in this webservice's database:

– An anonymized version of the user's IP address.
– A file path, which may potentially include a pseudonym, corresponding to the user's chosen name or pseudonym on his or her local computer.

No other person-related data is stored by this web service. All stored data are only visible to the respective user him- or herself and the operator of this service (mentioned above). No data is shared with third parties at any time. All data is processed and persisted on computers, which are physically located in Germany.


This website does not store any kind of cookies for visitors, who are not logged in as a user. For visitors, who have registered as a user, a cookie ("wakapi_auth") is stored to the user's web browser. It is to authorize the user to get access to his or her data. The cookie contains the user's pseudonym (or user name) and password in encrypted form.

No "tracking" cookies are set. No social media providers are integrated with this web service.

Information Security

The operator of this web service takes high efforts to protect users' data. During transport, all data is TLS-encrypted. Passwords are stored only as cryptographic hashes. However, it cannot be guaranteed that no malicious attacker will ever get access to the above mentioned data.

Disclosure & Deletion

Any person may request information on data privacy at any time, via the above e-mail address. The operator of this service is willing to provide details on what data is stored about any individual on request. Moreover, registered users may contact the operator of this service at any time to request deletion of all their person-related data.

Payments / Subscriptions

Wakapi features the option to purchase a paid plan to unlock additional functionality. To manage subscriptions and handle financial transactions, we use Stripe as a payment provider. Please refer to their terms and conditions with regard to privacy, if you opt in to use paid features.
If we learn about any attempt of a user trying to abuse our circumvent our subscription system, we keep the right to disable or permanantly delete that user account without further notice.


We reserve the right to make changes to this policy from time to time. Please review this page periodically to check for updates.